A Concert will be held tomorrow (Saturday 28th April 2012) at 7.30pm at St Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico (London SW1) which features an exciting line up of up-and-coming talent, performing operatic favourites from La Traviata,Carmen, Marriage of Figaro and more.
This Concert is the result of an experiment in using social media to produce and promote the arts, and was thought up as a new way to engage the public with opera. In a time when arts funding is being cut, and there are fewer opportunities for emerging professionals, these young singers have harnessed the power of social networking site Twitter to create the first in a series of opera gala concerts. Called “Opera Twala”, every part of the gala has been organized and planned through the site; from selecting the performers to finding the venue and choosing the programme.
Tickets are £10, £8 (concessions) & £5 (under-16s) on the door.
St. Gabriel's Church, Pimlico
For further information follow @OperaTwala or #operatwala on Twitter
Now the results have been announced I am delighted that the judges and voting proletariat have made their awards in line with my own reading habits:
Best blog
Winner: propertynewshound.com
One of my favourite reads, and very nearly my vote in the users section. The judges were won over by his topical, insightful and authoritative property market musings.
Best blog post
Winner: What Sam Saw Today: Today I got rid of squatters from my London flat Is it so very bad of me to feel smug and say “I told you so?”. Three months ago, soon after it’s launch I fingered “What Sam Saw Today” as THE up and coming Blog. In the words of the judges “These reflections delve into the joy and pain of being a property developer by telling personal stories to make this blog compelling reading. This post scooped the prize because of its great pace and drama – an online page turner if there ever was one.”
Best newcomer Winner:Planet Property This new blog from property writer Mike O’Flynn ran away with the Best Newcomer crown, thanks to its fresh mix of news, views and fun featured properties. Being a newcomer I haven’t read it yet ….. but that is going to change! The Users’ Favourite Blog
Winner:Buying Agent Yes – this is the one that we the readers voted for. Over 1,200 votes were cast and 25% went to Buying Agent – also known as Tracy Kellett – who writes this unapologetically opinionated blog about her life as a buying agent.
It was a tight competition throughout, with Tracey always in the lead, but pushed to the finish line by Moregeous a creditable runner up with just a gap of 3% between winner and runner up.
<div><a href=”http://www.micropoll.com/a/mpview/1062272-393200″>Click Here for Poll</a><a href=”http://www.questionpro.com” title=”online survey”>Online Survey</a>
I had a great time earlier in the week at an event organised by London bathroom suppliers Fonte Dei Marmi and hosted at Swissbathroom manufacturer Laufen. Now if you know me you probably wouldn’t be surprised to hear that I spent the day looking a toilets (and sinks and baths) and enjoyed every second of it. I found it fascinating to discover how much the design of the simple toilet could be improved by a tiny bit of thought. I’m not talking about space age technology, but simple things like shaping the pads that the seat rests on so that they lodge in side the rim & prevent the seat moving when you wriggle (don’t say that you don’t wriggle when sitting on the toilet – I know otherwise), or designing the seat & lid mounting so that they can be simply removed and replaced for cleaning. The sinks and baths have a ceramic hidden overflow integral to the waste so has no unsightly holes that become dirty and unhealthy, and it also makes plunging simpler and more effective. A cistern liner for your WC, a simple invention that eliminates condensation from the cistern but also reduces the noise when a cistern refills. Simple, clever, effective.
Anyway I had a great time, and would like to express my thanks again to Tony and Mike for inviting me, and to the Laufen team for laying on a great day, which had a twitter theme to it as all those present are active twitter users. So I thought that I would publish this blog on Follow Friday, and commend all those who attended as suitable follows:
My Twitter account is a business account – rightly or wrongly I restrict Facebook to family and personal friends and the swapping of personal news, photos & events. I did syndicate my Tweets onto my Facebook account for a short while, but my friends didn’t appreciate business type tweets invading their Facebook timeline just as I block Farmville et. al. from mine, so I rapidly disconnected the 2 accounts. If you are one of my Facebook friends who sends their twitter feed through to their Facebook Status, then I am afraid you are wasting your time, you are blocked, and further you are losing the opportunity to connect with me on a second level. I urge you to disconnect your Twitter feed from Facebook, you can always do what I do – use Tweetdeck for Facebook as well as Twitter, and when a Tweet is appropriate for Facebook send it to both sites at once.
Twitter and Advertising
Perhaps I should explain what I mean by the apparently conflicting comments that I successfully use Twitter for business, but that it is useless as an advertising medium. I’ve nearly always been personal on Twitter even though it is a successful business tool for me, but in the early days I used to use twitter to advertise the vacant flats that we had, just as classified ad sites used to feed their ads onto twitter. This was a resounding #fail and anyone still using Twitter in this way is crippling their Social Networking effectiveness for zero benefit. I do occasionally mention vacancies, but Twitter is just a window into me and my business. A prospective tenant peers in through this window, and if they like what they see they will go & find out whether we have vacancies. It’s pull, not push, marketing not sales, 3rd Millenium not 2nd.
Can you have Too Many Followers?
Can you have Too Many Followers? – if you wish to leverage your internet presence, then yes!
I just stated that you can’t sell to people on twitter by broadcasting to them – the reason for this and the beauty of twitter for it’s users over other media is that the listener controls what they listen to. The only way followers will actually read what you tweet is if they know enough about you to recognise that you are worth listening to – and that means some form of engagement, which probably means that you have to listen to them on twitter also. The simple equation which most people and twitter applications miss is that your reach is related not to the people who follow you, but on the number of people that you successfully follow.
How do I successfully Follow?
How do I successfully Follow? A very easy question to answer – you read what your followers tweet. If you aren’t reading them you shouldn’t be following them! I use Tweetdeck to separate my follows into groups, the most important 2 being:
Follow Friday
Most of my follows are not on either list, more of that later.
Believe it or not I need to explain who Friends are – they are people I know and like, but I’m not interested in their Twitterfeed. I think it’s very important to avoid the concept that follows on twitter are people that you like, and vica versa. These are people I love very much, but don’t want to read their feed all the time.
Follow Friday
Follow Friday is a list that I maintain solely to recommend to others on Friday (today!). I read the all tweets of these people (when I have connected to twitter – one of the most powerful twitter tools is the OFF button!) and these are the people that I recommend to you to follow. The list is continually revised – if people for their own reasons start repeating their tweets excessively or change their behaviour in some other detrimental way I drop them off the list, there is one person who has been removed & reinstated 4 times! Here is the list that I recommend for Follow Friday that you can subscribe to, but if you are only looking at it to see if you are on it then you are missing the point!
Before yesterday I used to follow 1300 people – this wasn’t the result of blind auto-follows, I have always tried to be selective about about who I followed, however I decided that following 1300 people and giving them a reasonable amount of attention would take up more time than I can afford. Yesterday I discovered a tool that I thoroughly recommend and used it to unfollow 650 people. It was an intensely manual process taking me 2 hours, so I wish that Twitter rules could be relaxed to allow it to be automated, but nevertheless I am pleased with the result. No doubt I made a mistake, and if anyone reading this was unfollowed please contact me and I will refollow. The point is that the people that I needed to unfollow will either automatically unfollow back, or not notice. Both are fine with me, as both types are exactly the sort of person I was trying to unfollow! If you notice, then I am very happy to correct my mistake.
Sorry – that has been more of a rant than I had intended when I started. I hope that you read it through, and got something from it. The main two lessons would be:
Here is the list that I recommend for Follow Friday that you can subscribe to
If you want a lift somewhere send an @reply with the times, to and from of a ride you want or are offering to http://twitter.com/LDNcarshare
Alternatively sign up to Londonliftshare where you can share a car for any journey
– getting to work, doing the weekly shop, taking the children to school, going to the match at the weekend, travelling to a festival, event or show, getting to or from university, visiting friends or getting to the airport. You can offer lifts if you have spare seats in your car or look for a lift if you don’t have a car. you simply register their journey and the system automatically lists all potential Londonliftshare matches. The matches are displayed in both table and map format, allowing the you to easily find the most suitable people.