Life as we know it seems to have changed beyond recognition over the last few days as Coronavirus takes hold in the UK, with recent reports acknowledging that London is a hotspot for the spread of the virus. As a responsible landlord we are closely following the Government’s briefings, and we are committed to following the guidelines for minimising the spread of infection. We will continue to adjust our practices as necessary and issue further updates as the situation develops.
Disinfection practices
We are regularly disinfecting areas such as door handles, light switches and handrails using an antiviral cleaning solution. Despite supply difficulties, we have also managed to source some alcohol hand sanitiser which we expect to be delivered early next week. Once this is received, a bottle will be placed inside each of the communal entrances, and we would politely request that all tenants use this on entering the building. In the meantime, can we remind all tenants of the importance of regular
handwashing in minimising the spread of the virus.
Self-isolation and home working
With more of you now working from home there is the increased chance of meeting others in hallways and on the stairs. Government guidelines are to maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres from other people at all times and we would ask tenants to respect this. Should you experience the Coronavirus symptoms of a cough and / or fever you should self-isolate for 7 days if you live alone, or the whole
household should self-isolate for 14 days if you live with others. Please let us know by emailing if you are self-isolating as a result of developing symptoms and we will do our best to ensure that you have adequate supplies of food and other essentials.
Property maintenance
We are in the process of setting up a dedicated email address for reporting any
property maintenance issues and will notify you of the procedure as soon as this has
been arranged. In the meantime, please email if
you have any faults or repairs requiring attention.
In the event that we or our contractors need to access your apartment to carry out required inspections or maintenance we will contact you in advance in the usual way, but we will now also ask you a number of questions to ascertain the risk of spreading infection. All necessary precautions will be taken to avoid any personal contact during access. If you are self-isolating due to the onset of symptoms access may be deferred until your period of self-isolation has been completed.
Financial difficulties
We are mindful that the months ahead may prove difficult financially for many people with potential job losses, reduced working hours or reduced income. Please email at the earliest opportunity if you anticipate having any difficulty meeting your rent payments in order that options can be discussed.