……. I’m afraid that on July 1st Google Reader is closing. Now personally I am moving to Feedly.com as it seems to offer so much more than just an RSS reader. It brings in feeds from website RSS & other feeds and presents them in list, card and magazine formats – so I will be setting up my own news page.
If you want suggestions for an alternative RSS reader Lifehacker suggests that the best options are
NetVibes the most popular web reader, offering a Google Reader-like interface as well as a snazzy iGoogle-like homepage.
NewsBlur , with an interface that’s very similar to Google Reader and Android and iOS apps that’ll sync your feeds. NewsBlur has suspended free accounts for the time being.
Feedly is popular, but definitely different than Google Reader. Its interface is less traditional and a bit more “newspaper-like,” but it’s very pretty. You can, however, get a more traditional Reader-like interface if you prefer. You need to download a browser extension for Chrome or Firefox to use it, but you’ll be able to sync your feeds between browsers and even to Feedly’s mobile apps.
The Old Reader a Google Reader lookalike.