Exactly year ago I published this blog about how in the space of 12 months Property Tribes had grown to become the premier UK Property Forum on the internet. I thought it would be interesting to revisit the blog and see whether the world had changed in 12 months – and it has to a dramatic and surprising extent. Property Tribes life as the most popular forum was very transient, but in fact ALL property forums have experienced a loss in traffic.
Property Forum Statistics
Repeating the traffic reports from 12 months ago, again with links through to the traffic reports from Alexa:
Alexa Traffic Rank 70,811 DOWN 16,771
Traffic Rank in GB 2,624 DOWN 571
Alexa Traffic Rank 105,416 DOWN 36,838
Traffic Rank in GB 3,228 DOWN 1316
Alexa Traffic Rank 381,790 DOWN 257,684
Traffic Rank in GB 10,811 DOWN 7161
Alexa Traffic Rank 556,960 DOWN 400,009
Traffic Rank in GB 38,222 DOWN 32214
Alexa Traffic Rank 572,307 DOWN 3464
Traffic Rank in GB 29,306 DOWN 11769
Why do you think Property Investors are shunning the Internet? If you would like to discuss why Property Forums are declining please join & post on the Pimlico Flats Forum for Landlords and Tenants.