
Graphic Pimlico Crime Statistics

There is an amazing amount of data now that we can collect to help us make decisions about where to live and whilst we have been able to check general crime statistics in an area for some time and I wrote about the map of crime statistics for Pimlico 2 years ago, the police have now published a new graphical representation of crime which applies nationally and not just for Pimlico and London.

The new web site allows  you put in a postcode and it will then show you how much crime in real figures has been committed in that area. Interactive maps show you what crime and anti-social behaviour has happened on your street, you can also access details about your neighbourhood policing team and find out about regular beat meetings. Information on crime is broken down into six categories – burglary, robbery, vehicle crime, violence, other crime and anti-social behaviour. Sex crimes have been included in the “other” category, along with crimes such as theft and shoplifting, to help prevent victims from being identified

Initially the website crashed under the weight of traffic, the Home Office said was receiving up to five million hits an hour, or some 75,000 a minute.

Metropolitan Police Crime Map of Pimlico

Metropolitan Police Crime Map

Met Crime Map

National Police Crime Map of Pimlico

National Crime Map

National Crime Map

Crime in Pimlico

The new map does illustrate much more clearly both the nature of crimes and the areas that it takes place in. The Metropolitan Police map tends to average out the statistics over an area, and although it gives a better picture of an area on average, you need to dig down into the statistics to discover the true nature of the crimes.
With the new map you rapidly see that in Pimlico crimes are occurring in and around shops and pubs, and perhaps to a lesser degree on council estates. In the residential areas of the grid there is very little crime at all. The map does reflect the reality of living in Winchester Street – it is a quiet peaceful place to rent.

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